Please Read: Reaching Your Midwives
A copy will also be provided at your intake visit.
Midwives are funded for a finite number of births per year that we are not able to exceed. Due to a high volume of intake requests, we often have to put potential clients on a waitlist. We cannot guarantee a space will become available for you. Please ensure you are receiving routine prenatal care from another provider in case we are unable to take you into care.
Making Appointments
To make or change an appointment, or to inform us of changes to your health card number, phone number, address, etc phone the office and talk to reception. Due to the unpredictable nature of midwifery work, we may need to change your appointment without much notice. For this reason, it is important that we have the most up to date phone number or email address to contact you.
OHIP Cards (Ontario Health Insurance Plan)
A valid Ontario health card is NOT required for care. Please indicate on the intake form if you have OHIP or not as we require this information.
Catchment Area
With Belleville as our central point, the catchment area includes Prince Edward County, Napanee, part of Northumberland County and North to Hastings County.
If you live outside these areas, our neighbouring midwifery practices include:
Community Care Midwives – Oshawa
Kawartha Community Midwives – Peterborough
Kingston Community Midwives – Kingston
New Life Midwives – Bowmanville
Midwifery education is offered at McMaster and Toronto Metropolitan Universities, as a four-year undergraduate degree. Midwifery students attend approximately 100 births prior to graduation in a variety of placements with midwives, physicians, nurses and other health professionals. In addition to training future midwives, Quinte Midwives are educators of our nursing colleagues from Loyalist College and Queens University.​
Students bring enthusiasm and dedication to contributing to your birth experience. They are involved in all aspects of midwifery care, including prenatal appointments, births, and postpartum visits, to a level appropriate to their training. Students never replace your midwife as the person responsible for your care. Your willingness to allow a student into your midwifery experience helps other women have access to midwifery care.
Postpartum Home Visits
Midwives come to your home in the first week postpartum to encourage time in your own space for postpartum recovery and bonding. The midwife doing your home visit will be on call - due to this we are unable to schedule a time for your visit and sometimes have to reschedule to the next day or have a midwife from another team see you. Your midwife will let you know ahead which day to expect a call from us when we are on the way to your home. If you prefer to have a scheduled visit at the clinic on certain days then please discuss with your team.
Please Be Kind
Laurie is your first point of contact to arrange your care through Quinte Midwives. She has multiple responsibilities to keep the practice and our midwives running smoothly. Please be patient or discuss directly with your midwifery team if you have any concerns affecting your care.