Information for Birth Place
Belleville General Hospital - Quinte 7
Quinte Midwives have privileges at Quinte Health Care - Belleville General Hospital. Quinte 7 is where the birth and postpartum unit are located, as well as the special care nursery.
Please review the website: QHC - Having a Baby at Quinte for a virtual tour, updated visitor policies, parking information, and what to pack.
Come to Quinte 7 as follows:
1. You have paged your midwife (such as you think you are in labour or have another concern requiring an assessment) and your midwife has confirmed when to meet you there. If you arrive on your own, you will have to wait until the unit pages your midwife and they come to complete your assessment.
2. You have already been instructed by the unit clerk to come at a scheduled time such as for RhoGam injections, insertion of a foley catheter, scheduled c-sections, or you have been called in for an oxytocin induction.
3. Your care was transferred to an obstetrician and you have called the hospital (613) 969-7400 ext 2345 to notify of your concerns. Your team will discuss with you when to page for supportive care.
4. If you have an emergency under 20 weeks gestation you will be directed to the ER at your closest hospital. However, it is best to discuss a plan of care with your midwife so you can avoid going to the ER unless it is necessary.
Labour and Birth Management: Your midwife will complete your admission assessment then continually monitor your labour, birth and postpartum care. Another midwife on call will come close to the arrival of baby. Additional hospital staff including nurses, obstetricians, or pediatricians will attend if reasons for consultations arise. Certain complications will mean that your care should be transferred to another provider; however, your midwife still remains with you in a supportive role.
Pain Relief Options: Each labour room has a shower, exercise ball, peanut ball, squat bar, and nitrous ("laughing gas") available. Mirrors can also be used during pushing if desired. Epidurals can be requested at any time during active labour unless the baby is close to being born. Prior to an epidural you will require blood work, an IV, and proper positioning. Please keep in mind that there is only one anesthetist on call for the entire hospital - they will try to have your epidural completed as soon as possible but sometimes may be delayed when they are attending other patients.
Discharge Home: Midwives can discharge you from the hospital after a few hours (4-6 hours if you had an epidural that needs to wear off) or you may choose to stay 24 hours after the birth. If any medical reasons arise for you or baby to stay at the hospital for at least 24 hours or beyond (such as cesarean section, your baby goes to the nursery, or your baby is on a blood sugar protocol), this will be discussed in detail at the time.​
Home Birth
Canadian research shows that planned home births for low risk pregnancies are less likely to require intervention and a lower risk of adverse maternal and newborn outcomes. Planning a home birth is safe for most women that are term gestation (at least 37 weeks) and the baby is positioned head down. Other factors will be discussed with your midwife team, including consideration of your distance to the hospital. Midwives carry the equipment of a level 1 hospital and in most cases this is sufficient. Sometimes transfer to the hospital (either by ambulance or your own vehicle) will be recommended if a higher level of care is needed. The Association of Ontario Midwives - Home Birth Safety is a good resource to start with.
How to Prepare: Around 36-37 weeks, your midwife will arrange a prenatal visit at your home to assess the area you will set up for labour and birth as well as emergency access. It is expected you read the Quinte Midwives Home Birth Checklist for essential preparation.
Additional considerations are from the AOM birth supplies list.
Transfer from Home to Hospital: Midwives monitor labour, birth and your postpartum carefully to detect if you or your baby would need additional care. As listed in the above document it is recommended to prepare your home with easy access for EMS and to have a hospital bag with your health card and hospital forms ready. Sometimes emergencies may arise that require urgent transfer to the hospital such as for an abnormal fetal heart rate, newborn resuscitation, or postpartum hemorrhage. In other circumstances transfer may happen if requesting an epidural, consultation for oxytocin augmentation, or there is meconium in the amniotic fluid. These scenarios will be discussed prenatally with your team.
The Clinic
The clinic may be used in circumstances where you are a far distance from the hospital, non-OHIP, or your home is not suitable for birth. Your midwife team will further discuss with you if the clinic is an option.
Please prepare:
A hospital bag packed including:
Change of clothes for mom, toiletries, and some baby clothes
Mother’s health card
Hospital forms pre-filled in
An old sheet to cover clinic mattress
Extra pillow with old cover
4-5 old towels (more if you are planning waterbirth)
Minimum of 8 Receiving blankets for baby
Minimum of 5 old facecloths
2 large bowls (metal or mixing bowl) - one for warm compresses and one to receive the placenta
Bring Tylenol and Advil
Pack light snacks and drinks