A list of common medications & exposures can be found here
​Pregnancy Info - Society of Obstetrics & Gynecology Canada
Your Guide to Healthy Pregnancy - Public Health
Prenatal Classes
Hastings Public Health - Online Prenatal Class
Belleville Pregnancy and Family Care Centre (Parenting Program and Grandmother's Heart Program for in-home supports)
Mohawks of the Bay of Quinte (Prenatal and Breastfeeding Support)
Prince Edward Family Health Team - Prenatal Class Registration
Considerations for Pregnancy
Your team will discuss with you if applicable at intake visit
Nutrition in Pregnancy - Dieticians of Canada
Medications - Canadian Association of Mental Health
do NOT stop any current prescription medications that you use for anxiety, depression or mood disorders, notify your family doctor when you know you are pregnant to discuss
Parental and Pregnancy Leave in Ontario
Prenatal Screening Ontario
Enhanced First Trimester Screening (eFTS)
Nuchal Translucency (NT) ultrasound and blood work completed between 11+2 to 13+3 weeks, OHIP funded
Non-Invasive Prenatal Testing (NIPT)
Blood work after 10 weeks, NT scan can be done in addition
Available by self-pay or by funding criteria
Blood work between 14 to 20+6 weeks if eFTS window is missed and not completing NIPT​​
Anatomy Ultrasound Results & Soft Markers
Handouts from AOM (Association of Ontario Midwives)
Vaginal Birth After Cesarean Section (VBAC)
Past Your Due Date (41.0 weeks and beyond)
Pre-labour Rupture of Membranes (PROM)
Vaccines in Pregnancy
Public Health Sheet (Pertussis, Influenza, Rubella)
Tdap Vaccine (Whooping Cough/Pertussis) Handout
​*NEW* PCMCH Handout on RSV vaccine (Beyfortus)